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Coriander Oil In Chennai

(86 products)
Made In India
Coriander Seed Essential Oil Age Group: Adults

Coriander Seed Essential Oil Age Group: Adults

Price: 16500 INR/Kilograms

MOQ1 Kilograms/Kilograms


Raw MaterialSeeds

StorageStore in Cool

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Aora India Private Limited


Business Type:Manufacturer | Exporter
Established In:2023
Trusted SellerTrusted Seller

2 Years

Premium SellerPremium Seller
Coriander Oil

Coriander Oil

Product DescriptionCoriander is an annual herb, popularly known for its culinary and medicinal use. Use of Coriander Oil: Coriander Oil is widely used in distinct industrial units viz. Food, Medicine, Pharmaceutical and others. It is widely used for flavoring specific dishes. We offer them in distinct sizes of bottles

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City Star Exports


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Coriander Seed Oil

Coriander Seed Oil

Product DescriptionPaying attention to the diverse requirements of our customers, we are engaged in offering wide array of Coriander Seed Oil. Our product is highly recommended amongst the customers for their rich taste. Our product is used as ingredients and enhances the taste

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Rosun Natural Products Pvt Ltd.


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2017
Made In India
Coriander Oil - Specific Gravity 0.869 to 0.878, Refractive Index 1.462 to 1.470 | 100% Pure Natural Essential Oil, Fresh Spicy Floral Aroma, Colorless to Pale Yellow Liquid

Coriander Oil - Specific Gravity 0.869 to 0.878, Refractive Index 1.462 to 1.470 | 100% Pure Natural Essential Oil, Fresh Spicy Floral Aroma, Colorless to Pale Yellow Liquid

Price: 6500.00 INR/Kilograms

MOQ1 Kilograms/Kilograms

Odour:Fresh spicy, sweetishAC/AEURA"floral, reminds of Linalool.

Raw MaterialSeeds

AppearanceThe oil is a colourless or pale - yellow liquid

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Kengeri, Bengaluru

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2003
Coriander Seed Oil (100ml)

Coriander Seed Oil (100ml)

Price Trend: Rs. 1400 - (100ml) INR/Milliliter

MOQ1 Milliliter/Milliliters

Packaging DetailsVitamins and Minerals in coriander oil:Coriander oil is rich in Vitamin C, K and E. Coriander oil contains Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, B2, B3,B9, vitamin K and vitamin C. It possesses the antioxidants such as Selenium, Ascorbic acid, Vitamin A, Beta carotene and Vitamin E. Unlike other dry spice seeds that lack in vitamin-C, coriander seeds contain an ample amount of this antioxidant vitamin C. Its seeds are an excellent source of minerals like iron, copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc and magnesium. Copper is essential for the production of red blood cells. Iron is essential for cell metabolism and red blood cell formation. Zinc is a co-factor in many enzymes that regulate growth and development, sperm generation, digestion and nucleic acid synthesis.Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. The human body utilizes manganese as a cofactor for the important antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.Health benefits of coriander oil :Detoxification: One of the oldest spices in the world, coriander, has recently taken on a new identity: master-cleansing herb for heavy metal detoxification. In addition to its detoxing capabilities, this potent medicinal plant can also stave off type 2 diabetes and even reverse damage to your DNA. It helps to flush hazardous chemicals and toxins from body, resulting in normal function by our nervous system. Coriander oil is capable to remove mercury, cadmium and lead from our body easily. Coriander has been shown to draw out mercury, cadmium, lead and aluminum from the bones and central nervous system. Coriander is the only substance proven to get inside your cells where it dislodges toxic metals attached to cell organelles and even reverses damage done to your DNA. CorianderaEURtms heavy metal cleansing can protect you from the diseases linked to those metals, such as - Fibromyalgia, ChronaEURtms disease, Multiple sclerosis and AlzheimeraEURtms disease.Great Lungs and Body cleanser for Smokers, Tobacco eaters, Gutkha, Pan Masala eaters :Coriander is one of the best herbs for detoxifying and can help reduce the buildup of heavy metals and toxins like mercury and lead in the body. Smokers and chain smokers plus tobacco eaters get lot of toxins in their body, Coriander oil is capable to cleanse their body thoroughly. The antioxidants present in coriander oil are one of the best remedy to wash out toxins from the body after smoking and helps to repair tissue damage in the lungs. Same is the case with bad effects of pan masala and gutka / gutkha s toxins.Cholesterol: Not only can coriander oil help your body produce ample amounts of aEURoehealthy cholesterolaEUR, which aids in Vitamin D production, but studies show it actually LOWERS bad cholesterol.Some of the acids present in coriander, like linoleic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and ascorbic acid (vitamin-C) are very effective inreducing the cholesterol levels in the blood. They reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) deposition along the inner walls of the arteries and veins, which can lead to serious cardiovascular issues like artherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. More importantly, coriander helps to raise the levels of healthy cholesterol (HDL), which works as a preventative line of defense against a number of dangerous conditions.Thyroid: Coriander extracts are used in ancient Ayurvedic treatments for curing Thyroid problems. This is achieved by the fact coriander oil help detox. The reason why is that heavy metal toxicity in the body, from substances like lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and arsenic, is closely intertwined with our thyroid health. This oil helps in normal functioning of thyroid gland. Further, Coriander oil possesses the antioxidant Selenium, which is very good for treating thyroid.Eases digestive disorders: Coriander oil has carminative, stomachic and digestive properties that stimulate the process of metabolism and influence proper secretion of bile, gastric juices and other acids responsible for trouble-free digestion. This oil improves digestion by regulating pitta dosha, which is responsible for digestion and other metabolic functions. It helps in relieving gas built-up in the stomach and intestines and it also prevents the formation of gas. English Herbalist John Gerard wrote, aEURoeCoriander seeds well prepared and covered with sugar as comfits, taken after meat, helpeth digestionaEURControls Diabetes: Scientific studies have shown that coriander seed / oil increases the production of insulin, further enabling the body to use it properly. Coriander also tend to improve carbohydrate metabolism and increase hypoglycaemic action, further helping stabilise blood glucose. The key oils present in these seeds have dual glucose-lowering effects in diabetes, by enhancing the secretion of insulin from the pancreas and exhibiting insulin-like activity at the cellular level. It promotes proper absorption and assimilation of sugar, resulting in a marked decrease in the blood sugar levels. Coriander seeds help improve digestion, which is a key aspect in keeping your blood sugar levels stabilised. The presence of ethanol in these seeds is effective in reducing serum glucose or blood sugar. Testing an extract of this spice on animals with laboratory-induced type-2 diabetes, they found it decreased blood sugar levels and increased insulin, the hormone that controls blood sugar.For Menstruation and Menopause : Coriander oil is certainly of great help to get noticeable relief in menstrual pains and excess flow during periods. It is great during menopause period as well. Its inflammatory action and lot of vital characteristics tries to regulate the irregular menstruation cycles to normal cycle. By acting as a stimulant, coriander seeds regulate the secretion of the hormones and from the endocrine glands. As a result, they help in normalizing menstrual cycles and reducing the pain during menstruation.Help Relieve Uterine / Uterus Fibroids: Green leafy vegetables like coriander and coriander seed oil have many anti-inflammatory effects, so they may discourage the growth of fibroids in a womanaEURtms body. Coriander oil is rich in vitamin K, which aid in blood clotting and help control menstrual bleeding as well.Natural Aphrodisiac: Oilcure Coriander Oil is a great natural aphrodisiac. Coriander oil is considered good aphrodisiac and libido enhancer for centuries. It is mentioned in Ayurveda as well in lot of Arabian tales and in 1001 Arabian Nights. It is because of certain phyto estrogen contents in coriander oil which helps increasing sex libidos. Take 20 drops by mouth everyday and additionally using it in massage, followed by a warm bath with 5-10 drops of Coriander oil diluted in bathing water preferably before going to bed can aid in enhancing the libido, treat frigidity in men and women, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunctions.Controls food poisioning and harmful Bacterias: A lot of researches have proved that the use of Coriander oil helps in fighting against harmful bacteria causing food poisoning and other infections in the stomach and intestines. A 2011 study on the combating effect of Coriander oil against 12 bacterial strains were tested in the lab, including Bacillus cereus, E. coli, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Salmonella enteric by Dr. Fernanda Domingues and her team from the University of Beira Interior, Portugal. This study witnessed that 1.6% or less than that quantity of Coriander oil killed or reduced the growth of all the harmful bacteria tested. It also discards parasites in the body. Coriander oil damages the membrane surrounding the bacterial cell. This disrupts the barrier between the cell and its environment and inhibits essential processes including respiration, which ultimately leads to death of the bacterial cell. aEUR~It could become a natural alternative to common antibiotics. Anti-spasmodic: Coriander seed oil is widely used by athletes because it helps relieve muscle spasm and cramps. It acts as a great muscle relaxant. Stimulant: Coriander oil acts as stimulant for people who are feeling low so this is called as a "Mood Booster". It also has a calming effect on those who suffered shock or traumaBlood pressure: Consuming coriander has been shown to positively reduce blood pressure in many patients suffering from hypertension. The interaction of Calcium ions and cholinergic, a neurotransmitter in the peripheral and central nervous system, more commonly know as acetylcholine. The interaction of these two elements relaxes blood vessel tension, thereby reducing the chances of a number of cardiovascular conditions, including heart attacks and strokes.Skin inflammation: Cineole, one of the 11 components of the essential oils, and linoleic acid, are both present in coriander, and they possess antirheumatic and antiarthritic properties. They help to reduce the swelling that is caused by these two conditions. For other swelling conditions, such as swelling due to kidney malfunction or anemia, it is also seen to be effective to some extent, because some of the components in coriander help the induce urination and the release of excess water from the body. The reduction in skin inflammation can lead to increased functioning, a reduction in discomfort, and an improvement in skin appearance.Skin disorders: The disinfectant, detoxifying, antiseptic, antifungal and antioxidant properties of coriander are ideal for clearing up skin disorders such as eczema, dryness and fungal infections.Vision health: Coriander possesses antioxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and phosphorus which help to prevent the eye ailments such as macular degeneration and conjunctivitis. It also lowers the stress and strain on the eyes. Coriander contain beta-carotene that forbid the eye disease and also reverse the vision degradation effects in aging patients.Diarrhoea: Some of the components of essential oils found in coriander such as Borneol and Linalool, aid in digestion, proper functioning of the liver and bonding of bowels, while also helping to reduce diarrhea. It is also helpful in curing diarrhea caused by microbial and fungal action, since components like Cineole, Borneol, Limonene, Alpha-pinene & beta-phelandrene have antibacterial effects.Coriander is also increasingly popular as a means of preventing nausea, vomiting, and other stomach disorders. Its wealth of bioactive compounds means that new health benefits are always being discovered in this power-packed plant.In addition to these health aspects of the stomach, fresh coriander leaves are excellent appetizers to get your bowels prepared for a large meal.Mouth ulcers: Citronelol, a component of essential oils in coriander, is an excellent antiseptic. Additionally, other components have antimicrobial and healing effects which keep wounds and ulcers in the mouth from worsening. They help speed up the healing process of ulcers and also freshen breath. Although not in common use in mainstream products, coriander is often used as an antiseptic component of all-natural toothpastes. In fact, before the invention of toothpaste, people would chew on coriander seeds to reduce bad breath!Anemia: Coriander is high in iron content, which directly helps people who suffer from anemia. Low iron content in the blood can result in shortness of breath, heart palpitations, extreme fatigue, and a decrease in cognitive functions. Iron also benefits proper functions of other organ systems, increases energy and strength, and promotes the health of bones.Anti-allergic properties: Lot of studies have shown coriander to have strong anti-histamine properties that can reduce the uncomfortable affects of seasonal allergies and hay fever (rhinitis). Coriander oil can also be used to reduce allergic reactions to contact with plants, insects, food, and other substances that may cause allergic reactions on the skin or when consumed. Internally, it can ward off anaphylaxis, hives, and dangerous swelling of the throat and glands. ItaEURtms never a bad idea to protect yourself against allergic reactions, especially since it is difficult to know what you might be allergic to, until you come in contact with it for the first time!Nutritional facts of coriander oil per 8 gms.Principle Nutrient Value Percentage of RDAEnergy 298 Kcal 15%Carbohydrates 54.99 g 42%Protein 12.37 g 22%Total Fat 17.77 g 60%Cholesterol 0 mg 0%Vitamins Folates 1 Aug <1%Niacin 2.130 mg 13%Riboflavin 0.290 mg 22%Thiamin 0.239 mg 20%Vitamin A 0 IU 0%Vitamin C 21 mg 35%Electrolytes Sodium 35 mg 2%Potassium 1267 mg 27%Minerals Calcium 709 mg 71%Copper 0.975 mg 108%Iron 16.32 mg 204%Magnesium 330 mg 83%Manganese 1.900 mg 82%Phosphorus 409 mg 39%Zinc 4.70 mg 43%

Main Domestic MarketAll India

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Oilcure Health And Beauty


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Made In India
Coriander Powder - Product Type: Fresh

Coriander Powder - Product Type: Fresh

Price: 10000 INR/Ton

MOQ1 Ton/Tons

Product TypeFresh



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Pavan Reddy Overseas


Business Type:Distributor | Supplier
Established In:2024
Coriander Seed Oil

Coriander Seed Oil

Product DescriptionCoriander Seed Oil Coriander seed oil is extracted from from Coriandrum Ativum of the Apiaceae family. The clear essential oil has a warm, sweet spicy aroma and is said to be a revitalising stimulant, which warms the body and mind. Corinder seed oil is known to have various theraupatic properties a

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Super C Essence And Extracts


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2008
Brown \\100 Percent Pure Natural Organic And Healthy Sri Sri Coriander Powder, With Natural Oils

Brown \\100 Percent Pure Natural Organic And Healthy Sri Sri Coriander Powder, With Natural Oils

Price: 150 INR/Pack

MOQ100 Pack/Packs

Physical FormCoriander Powder

Product NameCoriander Powder

Product TypeFresh

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Dsp Enterprises

Dhanori, Pune

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2019
Coriander Oil

Coriander Oil

Product DescriptionLeveraging on the proficiency of our professionals, we are engaged in providing a wide array of Coriander Oil. we are the manufacturer and supplier of these product in Pune, Maharashtra, India. these are made up with quality coriander and tested in various surety level. we are offering these product

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Agaatha Spices

Indira Shankar Nagari, Pune

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Fresh Coriander Moisture (%): Nil

Fresh Coriander Moisture (%): Nil

Price: 80 INR/Kilograms

MOQ100 Kilograms/Kilograms

Styleother, Fresh


Moisture (%)Nil

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Prajapati Vegetable And Fruit Supplier

Byculla, Mumbai

Business Type:Distributor | Supplier
Established In:2005
Common Impurities Free Coriander Oil

Common Impurities Free Coriander Oil


Product Typecoriander oil, Other

Cultivation TypeCommon

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Fancy India Corp.


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:1972
Coriander Oil

Coriander Oil

Product DescriptionWe are productive in offering Coriander Oil in huge quantities. It bears mass of green round seeds that turn brown over time. It is amongst the first spices to be utilized by man as a common flavouring substance. It can be easily gettable at cost-effective rates

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Aromex Industry

Wadala West, Mumbai

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:1999

FAQs Related to Coriander Oil In Chennai

How many coriander oil products are available in Chennai?

The range of offered coriander oil products in Chennai is impressive, with a total of 86 products currently available.

Where can I find coriander oil nearby Chennai?

You can find coriander oil around Chennai such as Bengaluru, Madurai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Kochi, Pathanamthitta, Mangaluru, Pune, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai, Nashik, Dhule, Mira Bhayandar, Vasai, Indore, Surat, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Jhansi. You can also use Tradeindia to search for coriander oil suppliers in Chennai.

What are some related categories to coriander oil in Chennai?

Some related categories to coriander oil in Chennai include Camphor Oil In Chennai, Natural Flower Oil In Chennai, Vetiver Oil In Chennai, Peppermint Oil In Chennai, Mace Oil In Chennai, Bergamot Essential Oil In Chennai.

Can I trust the Chennai Based Coriander Oil suppliers listed on Tradeindia?

You can use the Trust Stamp feature on Tradeindia to find Chennai Based Coriander Oil suppliers who have been verified as trustworthy. You can also look at the supplier's ratings and feedback from previous customers to help you make an informed decision.

How many Chennai based Coriander Oil manufacturers are there?

There are many coriander oil manufacturers in Chennai. You can use Tradeindia to search for coriander oil manufacturers in Chennai and filter your search based on your requirements.

What is the price range of coriander oil in Chennai?

The price range of coriander oil in Chennai are -

What is the delivery time for coriander oil in Chennai?

The delivery time for coriander oil in Chennai can vary depending on the manufacturer and the product. As per the information provided by listed sellers, the delivery time can take up to 1 week for some suppliers.

How many trusted sellers are available for Coriander Oil in Chennai?

Coriander Essential Oil (Cilantro)

Coriander Essential Oil (Cilantro)

Product DescriptionWe are offering to our valued customers a optimistic range of Coriander Essential Oil (Cilantro). we offer, consists of natural extracts and is highly effective in curing various ailments. It has a citrus flavor and is extensively used as a herb in Asian cuisine. This product can be dried & powdered

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Bruunton Ferns


Business Type:Exporter | Trading Company
Coriander Oil

Coriander Oil

Product DescriptionWe are instrumental company for manufacturing and supplying of Coriander Oils in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Offered range is widely liked by our customers which are located all round the nation. Apart from this, can be availed from us at affordable cost.\015\012\015\012About Product:-\015\012\015\

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Konark Fixtures Limited

Lower Parel, Mumbai

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:1987
Dried  Enjoy The Rich Taste For Naturally Tata Sampann Coriander Powder Masala With Natural Oils, 200G

Dried Enjoy The Rich Taste For Naturally Tata Sampann Coriander Powder Masala With Natural Oils, 200G

Price: 70 INR/Pack

MOQ20 Pack/Packs

Product NameCoriander powder

Product TypeDried


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Sumeet Enterprise


Business Type:Distributor | Supplier
Brown Coriander Seeds

Brown Coriander Seeds

Price: 90 INR/Kilograms

MOQ100 Ton/Tons

Product TypeDried



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Chempharm Corporation


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2022
High Grade Coriander Oil

High Grade Coriander Oil

Payment TermsPaypal, Western Union, Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Others

Delivery Time1 Week

Sample PolicyContact us for information regarding our sample policy

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Virgin World

Mira Bhayandar

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Coriander Oil Extra Pure Cas No: 8008-52-4

Coriander Oil Extra Pure Cas No: 8008-52-4

Price: 11500 INR/Liter

MOQ1 Liter/Liters

CAS No8008-52-4

TypeSchool Lab Chemicals

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Ultra Pure Lab Chem Industries Llp


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2021
Trusted SellerTrusted Seller

4 Years

Premium SellerPremium Seller
Made In India
Coriander Seed Oil

Coriander Seed Oil

Product DescriptionCoriander Seed Oil

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Kshipra Biotech Private Limited

MG Road, Indore

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2015
Trusted SellerTrusted Seller

5 Years

Premium SellerPremium Seller
Made In India
Common Coriander Oil

Common Coriander Oil

Price: 35 USD ($)/Kilograms

MOQ25 Kilograms/Kilograms


Product TypeOther, Coriander Oil

Refined TypeOther

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Flamingo Exports


Business Type:Manufacturer | Exporter
Established In:2004
Made In India
Coriander Oil - Purity: High

Coriander Oil - Purity: High

Price: 600 INR/Kilograms

MOQ1 Kilograms/Kilograms,



Product TypeOther

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Green Leaf Industries

kamrej, Surat

Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2018
Pure Coriander Oil Application: Massage

Pure Coriander Oil Application: Massage

Price: 199.00 INR/Liter

MOQ1 Liter/Liters

Usagefor the digestive and hormonal systems


Product TypePure Coriander Oil, Other

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Nirisha Aromas


Business Type:Manufacturer | Supplier
Established In:2021
Brown 100 Percent Pure And Healthy Aachi Coriander Powder, With Natural Oils

Brown 100 Percent Pure And Healthy Aachi Coriander Powder, With Natural Oils

Price: 20 INR/Pack

MOQ100 Pack/Packs

Physical FormPowder

Product NameCoriander Powder

Product TypeFresh

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K. Amil Kumar Mohanlal


Business Type:Distributor
Established In:2006
Brown Pure Spy Garam Masala With Natural Oil Contain Cinnamon, Mace, Peppercorns And Coriander Seeds

Brown Pure Spy Garam Masala With Natural Oil Contain Cinnamon, Mace, Peppercorns And Coriander Seeds

Price: 600 INR/Pack

MOQ100 Pack/Packs

Physical FormPowder

Product NameGaram Masala

Product TypeFresh

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Mishty Masala

Bholav, Bharuch

Business Type:Distributor
Established In:2021
Made In India
Coriander Extract - Physical Form: Oil & Ointment

Coriander Extract - Physical Form: Oil & Ointment

MOQ100 Bottle/Bottles

Product TypeHerbal Medicine

Physical FormOil & Ointment

Dosage GuidelinesAs Per Instruction

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Fortune Healthcare Products Pvt Ltd

Gorwa, Vadodara

Business Type:Manufacturer | Exporter
Established In:2005
Made In India
Coriander Oil Age Group: Adults

Coriander Oil Age Group: Adults

Price: 4600 INR/Liter

MOQ1 Liter/Liters

Purity100% NATURAL

StorageStore in Cool

Raw MaterialSeeds

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Aromacare Herbals

Baguiati, Kolkata

Business Type:Distributor | Trading Company
Established In:2010
Pure Coriander Essential Oil Age Group: All Age Group

Pure Coriander Essential Oil Age Group: All Age Group


Product TypePure Essential Oils


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Oleum Naturals


Business Type:Distributor | Supplier
Established In:2019