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Auto Weighing & Batching Systems

Auto Weighing & Batching Systems


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Auto Weighing & Batching Systems         Description Auto-Weighing and Batching System, as the name suggests, is used for precise weighing of multiple products to prepare a batch which is then further mixed and then packed. The system can be used for Powders, Cakes and Liquids. The system is a completely pre-engineered system with instruments provided for automation. Fully automatic and semi-automatic versions of this system are available. Construction and Operation The system consists of Multiple Storage Hoppers, with or without Agitators, depending upon the nature of product. These Storage Hoppers are fitted with coarse and fine screws at the bottom.         The screw feeders discharge the material into the Weighing Hopper, which is placed on load cells. Pre- determined quantity of material from each Storage Hopper is fed to the Weighing Hopper. The batch controller controls the starting and stopping of the coarse and fine screws as per the program and quantity given in it. Once the required quantity of material is fed to the Weighing Hopper, the bottom valve is opened to discharge the material to mixer. The mixer can be any type like, Ribbon Blender, Cone Screw Mixer, Agitated Vessel etc. Once the Weighing Hopper is empty, the next batching cycle starts. The system can be programmed for any number of batching cycles.   Features   Minimum handling of product. Uniform product quality. Weighing accuracies up to 0.1 percent. High mixing accuracy and minimum mixer idle time. Continuous and automatic operation. No product loss. Low floor space requirement.   The system is made to suit the specific requirement of the customer as regards batch size, number of products to be mixed and their quantities etc. The material of construction of product contact parts is either carbon steel or stainless steel, depending upon product nature. Application   Pharmaceutical Food Chemical Fertiliser Ceramic Mineral Biochemicals Sand Fluxes, etc.

Company Details

RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS & SYSTEMS PVT LTD, Established in 1997 at Pune in Maharashtra, is a leading service provider of Process Control Equipment & Instruments in India. RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS & SYSTEMS PVT LTD is one of Trade India's verified and trusted names for listed services. With extensive experience in the field of Process Control Equipment & Instruments, RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS & SYSTEMS PVT LTD has made a reputed name for itself in the market with satisfactory Agitated Thin Film Evaporator,..., Agitators...., Air Pollution Control Equipment, etc.
Focusing on a customer-centric approach, RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS & SYSTEMS PVT LTD has a pan-India presence and caters to a huge consumer base throughout the country. Get Process Control Equipment & Instruments from RAJ PROCESS EQUIPMENTS & SYSTEMS PVT LTD at Trade India quality-assured services.

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ISO 9001 : 2000

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Pune, Maharashtra


Mr Binu Panickar


14th Floor, Sadand Business Centre, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra, 411045, India

weigh batch system in Pune

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