Tradeindia Expert
Mr. Bikky Khosla
Designation : CEO
Company :
Country : India
About Mr. Bikky Khosla

Mr. Bikky Khosla is the first-generation entrepreneur who revolutionised the Indian dotcom industry in trade, connecting buyers and sellers from across the globe, facilitating easy and smooth business. With a lofty vision of serving the trade community of India, Mr. Khosla conceptualized Infocom Network Ltd. in 1991.

In the nineties the dotcom industry saw a boom swaying in the trade community under its grip. Mr. Khosla decided to deliver something extra to the trade community and this marked the beginning of India’s first B2B portal –

The portal provided a platform to buyers and sellers across the world irrespective of distance, size and position of exporters, importers and service providers in diverse arenas.

Today, apart from being the CEO of, Mr Khosla is also the Chairman of ASSOCHAM's expert committee on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

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