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TOPIC : How to do business with foreign customers?
Posted on 14 September 2010 at 10:03:00

One must take utmost care of some questions when establishing a business relationship with one's foreign customers, especially with new customers. Here are a couple of tips, which you might find helpful.

First, know your product well. You must be familiar with your own product, especially the technical details, such as the size, measurements, colour, etc. It's a fact that one can't deny that it is the product or products that attract customers first and not you our your company. So the buyer will invariably ask several questions about your products till they are satisfied. So one must be really thorough with everything related to one's products so that it gives a good impression.

Second, the main problem mis-communication with your customers. Don't take too long to answer the queries of the buyer. Communication is either via email and phone, but now the preferred communication is via email. So it's very important to be able to write a perfect email. The email should not be unnecessarily lengthy and should cover all the points the buyer would like to know about your company and most importantly about your products.

And last but not the least, know the foreign trade process well. You should be very clear about the foreign trade process, the documents, payment terms, transport, etc.

Mr. Rakesh Joshi

Joshi Enterprise

Manager, Joshi Enterprise
Dispur, India

Free Member, Joined :02/02/2007
No of Topics Posted : 122
Reply/Comments : 16

Re: How to do business with foreign customers?
Posted on 15 September 2010 at 19:28:00 [Message #2745 ]

I would add:

Pick a target territory you want to do business with by identifying your preferred nitch.
You want to concentrate only on a handful of places
Respond emails promptly
If referring back to your website, copy and past the specific link
As much as possible understand the language of your target territory. Latin America dislikes information in English.
Explore all possible options for credit from the different levels of your Government. Most countries have EX-IM Bank Guarantees, most customers will ask for credit.

Mr. Jose G. Borda

Solutions WT

President, Solutions WT
Miami, United States

Free Member, Joined :07/14/2010
No of Topics Posted : 0
Reply/Comments : 1

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