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TOPIC : How to get your first customers - tips by Lyve Alexis Pleshette
Posted on 03 September 2010 at 11:03:00


If you are a software developer, you can offer a downloadable free version of your product, either the scaled down version with less features, or a free trial of the full program for a limited period of time. If you are a wedding planner or a personal chef, you too can treat your first customers as beta testers. Offer your service for free on the condition that they provide you with feedback on ways you can improve. You can use this experience as practice to learn how you'll deal with paying clients. There is also the likelihood that you can turn your beta testers into future paying clients, and they can help spread the word about your business.

The concept of "introductory pricing" is also another effective approach of winning customers. If you are designing web sites, for example, you can charge your first few clients far less than they would be able to get elsewhere and less than you're likely to charge later. Anyway, you're still learning your trade and your client is actually giving you a discounted education and a track record at the same time.

Your competitors (yes, your competitors!) are also an excellent source of both new business and industry information. Some of your competitors may have excess work that they cannot handle, and may be willing to subcontract or refer work to you instead of turning their clients away. Don't be afraid to check out your competitors.

Also, check out whether you can offer your products or services to your former employer. Many home business entrepreneurs start out as a result of opportunities they find within the companies they worked for as an employee.

The amount of business you get is highly proportional to the amount of effort that you put in marketing your business. You'll do fine as long as you do the walk and do the talk. Your customers are out there; you just need to "show and tell" and hopefully, they'll come knocking on your doors.

Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Neeraj Electronics

CEO, Neeraj Electronics
Jorhat, India

Free Member, Joined :06/09/2007
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