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TOPIC : 10 unique ways to market your business
Posted on 25 August 2010 at 09:51:00

1. Facebook. Facebook marketing combines the fun of Facebook with the power of it's massive audience of potential buyers. Not only can you market your business directly with Facebook ads, you can also build a Page for your business absolutely free, as well as create apps, upload pictures and videos, and spread your message virally to your friends and family. You can also start or participate in Groups of people that would be interested in your product.

2. Blogging. Blogging is an easy way to show off your stuff, get attention from the search engines, and establish trust and credibility with your audience. You don't have to be a geek to do it, and if you persist long enough, just posting 2-3 time a week to your blog can get you a ton of natural traffic from the search engines!

3. Content Marketing. Chances are, you have created a fair amount of content for your business. In the course of doing business, we all create slide presentations, articles, videos, images etc. Content marketing is simply taking those things and publishing them online! They aren't doing you any good sitting on your hard drive, so go ahead and open accounts at the various video, article, slide share, and image sites and post your stuff! You'll be amazed how much traffic and natural links you can get from this one practice alone!

4. Press Releases. Every time you do something newsworthy in your business, go ahead and prepare a simple one page press release about it. Press release sites are eager for content, and are a simple and effective way of getting links and traffic.

5. Video Marketing. Shooting video is easy and fun. Why not put your video camera to work on your business? Taking video of products, product uses, customer testimonials etc. is a great way to not only show off your stuff, but shows your customer that there are real human beings behind your corporate image.

6. E-mail marketing. Do you have an e-mail list of prospects and customers? If not, why not? It's an effective way of turning prospects into buyers, and turning buyers into repeat buyers. What's so fun about e-mail marketing? Watching the increased sales and revenue pour in is tons of fun!

(To be concluded...)

Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Neeraj Electronics

CEO, Neeraj Electronics
Jorhat, India

Free Member, Joined :06/09/2007
No of Topics Posted : 112
Reply/Comments : 9

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