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TOPIC : 10 unique ways to market your business
Posted on 25 August 2010 at 09:50:00


7. Outsourced Pay Per Click advertising. Let's face it, pay per click advertising isn't very fun, but did you know there are lots of brokers out there who are really good at it, and will do an amazing job of it for about 10% of your spend? And if you think that's expensive, realize that their expertise usually means high click thru rates, translating into more than 10% savings for you, making outsourcing PPC effective. And let's face it, watching somebody else do it, while you make all the money, is very cool.

8. Link Bait. Have you got any really cool stuff on your site that you give away for free, or that does something cool for your customer? If not, why not? This is what we call link bait, and it's a great way of generating leads as well as creating viral links. And the great part about it is that once it's created, it works for you 24/7 on auto-pilot!

9. Forum Posting. If you're passionate about your product or service, participating in niche specific forums is enjoyable, as well as profitable. If you are a valued member of the community, and participate actively, you can generate some great long term buyer relationships, generate natural traffic, and get some direct sales.

10. Mobile Apps. Putting an app in the iTunes or Android store can be a great method of generating buzz, building your brand, and even become a new profit center. Put some thought into what type of app your customer or prospect would really like, and shop it around. You may be pleasantly surprised how inexpensive it is to put out an app that really gets results.

Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Neeraj Electronics

CEO, Neeraj Electronics
Jorhat, India

Free Member, Joined :06/09/2007
No of Topics Posted : 112
Reply/Comments : 9

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