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TOPIC : Mangalore handicrafts expo attracts thousand visitors
Posted on 05 January 2008 at 10:55:00

Lepakshi, a twelve-day exhibition-cum-sale of handloom products and handicrafts was inaugurated at Hotel Woodlands, near Bunts hostel in Mangalore recently.

The exhibition displayed handloom products, traditional handicrafts and other hand-made products which are unique in style, theme, concept and expression. Softwood toys and dolls, silk materials, hand-made bed spread, idols of deities, wooden furniture were also on display.

"The exhibition-cum-sale provides a platform for the artisans to display their unique wares, since there would be no middle men, it is artisans who will be the beneficiaries in terms of profits and satisfaction," Somnath Bhattacharya, proprietor of Eco Friendly from West Bengal said.

Eco Friendly is displaying hand woven silk materials in the exhibition-cum-sale.

The exhibition is being organised by Andhra Pradesh Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd. and is being sponsored by Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, New Delhi.

Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Neeraj Electronics

CEO, Neeraj Electronics
Jorhat, India

Free Member, Joined :06/09/2007
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