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TOPIC : How to know if buyer is genuine?
Posted on 27 December 2007 at 12:09:00

We have an enquiry from a company in china named Hanzhou Xuantie Trading Co Ltd. for export of cylinders to china. We have finalised rate as well as terms and conditions. But they are asking document charges of US $ 2000 for carrying out the contract. I could not decide whether it is a genuine deal or some kind of fraud. Please give your opinion.

Mr. M Anandan


Chennai, India

Free Member, Joined :11/16/2003
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Re: How to know if buyer is genuine?
Posted on 27 December 2007 at 13:16:00 [Message #988 ]

First and foremost, no company charges US $ 2000 for documentation. Secondly, while doing some research on the net, I found that the company claims to be in the top 200 companies. But in reality it is not even a registered company in China or Hangzhou.

Moreover the Fax and phone numbers are the same (086-571-87511956). This does not speak volumes about the company's credibility. It seems to be a small company to me.

Now, even if you want to carry out business with the company it is advisable to ask for their credit report and other documents supporting their credibility.

ALWAYS REMEMBER: It's better to be sure now, then be sorry later.

Ms. Akash Menon

(Tradeindia Expert)

M/S Menon Exports and Designing Ltd.

MD, M/S Menon Exports and Designing Ltd.
New Delhi, India

Re: Re: How to know if buyer is genuine?
Posted on 15 January 2008 at 22:59:00 [Message #1020 is a comment on message #988 ]

Dear Mr. M.Anandan,

I had already a bad experience with this company. They have made a big order (1500 pieces) of coffee machines from Italy and ask me to visit China for the contract signature. On December, the 21th I came to Hangzhou, met these people, we have signed the contract, at the last moment they asked me half from 0,3% of the entire value of the contract as"Government exchange document charge".

I've said I did not take with me such a sum and I insisted to write it down in the contract, so they asked me to transfer this money next days. Then they said as their company is a 80% public one, it is a tradition to make gifts to representatives and officials who takes care of this transaction. In a trade center their "vice president" and financial director has chosen as gift two golden pieces of 3200 EUR value. Unfortunately (what a stupid) I gave them 1000 EUR (I have said it was the only money I had and I had not my credit card with me)to solve this matter.

In the evening the person named Yu Yang (vice president), who signed the contract invited me to a dinner with some officials. During this dinner (in the same 4 stars "Lake View Hotel" where I stayed) laughters, toasts,then Yu Yang thanked me for the invitation (!!!) to this dinner and the waitress brought me the bill of 260 EUR.

When I came back to Italy, they called me many times asking this transfer of 3000 EUR, as "the Exchange Authority pushed them up for this transaction". When I asked them the bank details they gave me a private account details, and not the account of the company.I did not perform this transaction, I think it was enough loosing 2500 EUR for this trip. I asked them by mail about my doubts about their company, as I have found also other reports from other people on certain B2B portals and they did not reply tome. By the way, did you get their company bank details?


Mr. Oleg Ababii


Sondrio, Italy

Free Member, Joined :01/15/2008
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