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TOPIC : AEPC garment fair from January 22
Posted on 26 December 2007 at 11:03:00

The 40th edition of India International Garment Fair (IISF), organised by Apparel Export Promotion Council (AEPC), is scheduled to be held at Delhi from January 22 to 24.

Through the fair, the council is providing exporters an opportunity to meet prospective buyers and buying agents under one roof, said AEPC Senior Director in Tirupur D G Reddy.

As the fair would have representation from all major knitwear garment associations in the country, the council was mobilising buyers through world wide media advertisement and sponsorship of free air travel and hotel stay, he said.

Tirupur was a very important station as far as manufacturing and exporting readymade garments was concerned, Reddy said.

As a gesture to Tirupur exporters, "one return economy class air fare (for 12 sqm) and additional one way air fare (for 24 sqm and above) would be given to make participation cost effective," he said.

Interested exporters can apply to the council at Tirupur, Reddy said.

Mr. Divya Aggarwal

Money Management Consultants Ltd

Senior Copy Editor, Money Management Consultants Ltd
New Delhi, India

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