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TOPIC : Appeal to boost handicraft sector
Posted on 25 October 2007 at 11:35:00

Traditional handicraft sector of Kashmir is rapidly deteriorating and the Federation Chamber of Industries Kashmir (FCIK) has evinced apprehensions over the issue.

While appealing to the government authorities to provide sops to the sector, members of FCIK accused the authorities for their apathy and added that they strongly believe that no concrete steps have been taken to boost the productivity of handicrafts like carpets, shawls, wood carvings and paper mashie.

Even without the Government support, handicraft industry of Kashmir is rendering employment to over four lakh people. It is therefore quite evident that with little assistance, this sector will cross all bounds to flourish, the members said.

Handicraft units in Kashmir are essentially unorganized spanning across the length and breath of the state. What is expected of the Government is a policy that can bring cohesion and consolidation to this extremely significant industry. It needs to pave way for more productivity, scope for innovative designing, quality check, cost efficiency, brand promotion and marketing.

Moreover, crucial issues like revival, rehabilitation, and integration of the sick handicraft industries also need to be considered seriously, the members added.

Mr. Neeraj Sharma

Neeraj Electronics

CEO, Neeraj Electronics
Jorhat, India

Free Member, Joined :06/09/2007
No of Topics Posted : 112
Reply/Comments : 9

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