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TOPIC : Paid Email id - A way to impress your Customer
Posted on 16 June 2007 at 22:26:00

In a sea of information, products and services its upon you to position yourself with a professional reputation and the credibility to make your business stand out. If you operate almost entirely online, it's email that often becomes the sole service link between you, your customers, your suppliers and your potential market. Yet most of us tend to overlook this powerful tool when we're brainstorming for ways to build our reputations, enhance our service practices and gain more customer confidence.

The way you use email will vary with the type of business you do. Usually we use free email id for communication. But a free email id creates a bad impression to the buyer or supplier. Use a paid email id in order to instill faith and confidence in your offer, and your business. Having a paid email id can establish you as a trusted professional in your market. Moreover if you are using a free service for your primary and important email, you're just asking for trouble. If your email is actually important to you, then spend a little each month to get a real email account from a regular ISP or mail service

Great offers, enticing product descriptions and a solid selling reputation are absolutely essential to your business vitality, what separates you from the rest of the pack is a surprisingly basic principle, Great Customer Service Communication.

Tradeindia Editor

(Tradeindia Expert)
New Delhi, India

Re: Paid Email id - A way to impress your Customer
Posted on 16 June 2007 at 22:47:00 [Message #96 ]

Its so true,when we get a response from a free email ID we really think if he is a serious company or not.

Mr. Aneesh Sharma


Director, TEMEX GmbH
Bonn, Germany

Free Member, Joined :11/15/2001
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