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TOPIC : Book adjusments and disallowance of itc under vat act.
Posted on 09 July 2014 at 09:13:00

If a buyer did not make payment for the goods purchased either by cash or by cheque or by draft. Payments were made by book adjustment. The occasion for adjustment arose because between the same parties there were both the transactions of sale and purchase. Therefore, there was no necessity for the dealer to pay for the goods purchased either by cash or by cheque or by bank draft. Payments were made by adjustment of the debits against the credit and may be the balance was paid either by cheque or by cash or by bank draft.Hence in this scenario can the sales tax officers disallow the ITC claimed on the purchase which were adjusted. please support your views by way of case laws.

Mr. S. K. Mishra


Purchase Manager, CHHABRA ISPAT PVT. LTD.
Kolkata, India

Free Member, Joined :11/23/2010
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