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TOPIC : Company law compliances post incorporation:
Posted on 26 June 2014 at 11:28:00

•Conducting of Board Meetings and Committee Meetings
•Conducting of Shareholders Meetings
•Maintenance of Registered Office that holds statutory records, registers and books of accounts
•Maintenance of Head Office with the approval of Board of Directors.
•Issue of Share Certificates to shareholders
•Execution Share Transfer deed after being stamped during transfers of shares.
•Maintenance Books of account
•Drafting Minutes Book for every meeting of the Board of Directors and shareholders
•Maintenance of other Statutory Registers such as Register of Members, Register of Directors, Register of Transfers etc.
•Conducting of regular Audits and maintaining due records of the Audit.
•Annual compliance filing including the following e-forms such as Form 23AC, 23ACA, 66 etc.
•Other Compliance filing such as Change in Authorized / Paid up Capital of the Company. Allotment of new shares / transfer of shares / invitation to subscribe for shares, Issue of shares to the Directors / employees of the Company, Change in composition of the Board of Directors etc.
•Appointment of Company Secretary
•Appointment of MD or whole time Director or Manager
•EPF (Employee Provident Fund) compliance by company is mandatory where number of employees exceed 20 any time during the financial year and remains applicable for subsequent years even when employee count falls below 20
•ESI (Employees State Insurance) compliance by company: If a company has below 20 employees, it is not liable to pay E.S.I.

For further details on the procedure, contact

Ms. Aparajita

(Tradeindia Expert)

Vakil Search

Vakil Search
Chennai, India

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