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TOPIC : Suggestion for purchasing SC and ST land.
Posted on 11 June 2014 at 13:31:00

I have a school and I don't have land but I have a donor of ST AND SC .My financial position is not so strong to purchase the land .They are interested to donate the land. If they donate the land, will I get the loan facility for that land?

Mr. Lade Praveen Kumar

vignan vidyalaya

Principal, vignan vidyalaya
Rayagada, India

Free Member, Joined :12/26/2012
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Re: Suggestion for purchasing SC and ST land.
Posted on 17 June 2014 at 17:36:00 [Message #3023 ]

The answer would be contingent on multiple factors.

1) If your legal status is that of a Trust or a charitable society that has been founded for the specific purpose of providing education, the land in question may be transferred in the name of the trust / society, provided:

- The Trust / Society has been empowered vide the Trust Deed / MoA of the society to hold land.
- The vendor has a valid and marketable title to the property and has all rights to gift / alienate the same.
- The transfer is done vide a Gift Deed that is then registered.

2) Assuming point 1 to be true, the title to the land would validly rest with you. You may then approach a bank / financial institution to avail a loan by mortgaging the same, again assuming the Deed / MoA specifically allows you to do so.

3) If your legal status is that of a natural person, you would again need to have valid marketable rights over the property to raise any sum against the land.

4) You may also consider forming a fresh Trust for this purpose with the other party being one of the Trustees.

Ms. Aparajita

(Tradeindia Expert)

Vakil Search

Vakil Search
Chennai, India

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