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TOPIC : Copyright and related issues
Posted on 23 July 2009 at 12:59:00

Copyright protects the expression of an idea. It protects the original creative works of artists, authors, and musicians from unauthorized copying and use by others. Books, music, sculpture, choreography, and jewelry design are examples of creative expression that can be copyrighted. Copyright laws encourage creativity and intellectual pursuits by allowing artists to profit from their creations.Copyright is a right of reproduction, which excludes others from reproducing literary, artistic, dramatic, musical and other works, including computer programs, photographs, recordings (audio/ visual) films and other electronically disseminated information as well as sculptures, engravings and drawings.Now in India "Computer Program" can also obtain copyright Registration "Computer Program" means a set of instructions expressed in words, codes, schemes or in any other form,including a machine readable medium, capable of causing a computer to perform a particular task or achieve a particular result.

DURATION The registration of copyright remains in force for a period of author's lifetime and for a further period of 60 years after his/her death. No renewal is needed

Mr. Nehal M. Raval


Proprietor, RAVAL & CO.
Ahmedabad, India

Free Member, Joined :03/20/2009
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