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TOPIC : IITF gets underway on Wednesday
Posted on 13 November 2007 at 10:16:00

The two-week long 27th India International Trade Fair will open in New Delhi on November 14.

The fair is a mega celebration of the new India that is fast taking shape.

Organised by the India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) at Pragati Maidan, the trade fair will remain open till November 27.

The theme of the fair, "Processed Food and Agro-Industries", figures prominently in the display scheme of the pavilions of the States and Union Territories, besides the stand-alone pavilions.

India is the 10th most industrialised country and fourth largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity with its GDP projected to grow at nearly 8 percent in 2006-07.

The country also happens to be the most richly endowed agricultural nation in Asia having 169 million hectares of arable land, accounting for one-tenth of the world’s arable land and a fifth of the world's irrigated land at 56 million hectares with a coastline extending to 8000 km and vast marine wealth.

Tradeindia News Bureau

(Tradeindia Expert)
New Delhi, India

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