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TOPIC : India@60 — the future is ours!
Posted on 14 August 2007 at 16:42:00

Sixty years and and still going strong! That's India... I can proudly proclaim. From the post-independence licence raj regime to liberalization of the economy in 1991, we have indeed tread a path of progress like no other country has.

It has been a learning experience...we faltered on many occasions, but the Great Indian Spirit marched on with renewed vigour. The Indian economy, after 60 years of Independence, has reached a position from where it can spread its wings and fly unfettered towards the objectives which would bring it at par with other developed nations. Despite a series of interest rate hikes to head off rising inflation, economic growth in India has remained robust. In the current financial year, the economy is expected to expand by a frenetic 9.4% -- the second highest in the world after China.

A country once known for poverty, malnutrition and stagnation today boasts of a new set of icons — its software industry and manufacturing and export-import sectors to name some. A recent report by Goldman Sachs says that by 2050 the US economy will fall to third place in the world pecking order, eclipsed first by China and then by India.

But we should not forget that there are numerous hurdles that can check India's economic growth. We need to critically examine the areas where we are lagging behind and work on them.

Independence is not about celebrating a day in the year. It's about being self-sufficient, it's about sticking your neck out and taking calculated risks, it's about learning from our past mistakes, and above all it's about the never-say-die Indian spirit. So on this special day of the year, let's take a solemn pledge to keep this spirit alive and kicking! Happy Independence Day!

Mr. Bikky Khosla

(Tradeindia Expert)

New Delhi, India

Re: India@60 — the future is ours!
Posted on 15 August 2007 at 16:57:00 [Message #509 ]

Hey India congrats on chalking up another year.
Robert Donovan. Sydney Australia.

mr. Robert Donovan

Kenzie Pty Ltd.

Director, Kenzie Pty Ltd.
Sydney, Australia

Free Member, Joined :01/10/2005
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Re: India@60 — the future is ours!
Posted on 20 August 2007 at 12:36:00 [Message #535 ]

It is Indian polity that is spoiling the pace of organic growth of the country. There have been occasions that politics has prevailed over growth Yet we are witnessing bigger economic boom. Let our polity give hurdle-free governance leave alone clean governance.

Mr. V. Chennakesava Rao


Hyderabad, India

Free Member, Joined :04/10/2002
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Re: India@60 — the future is ours!
Posted on 21 August 2007 at 22:27:00 [Message #542 ]

I could not understand why you said 'frenetic 9.4 %' growth. It is second largest figure after China, still why it is frenetic? Frenetic means 'excessively enthusiastic'
warm regards,
Consultant engineer

Mr. Rajan

Raj Technologies & Management

Chief Consultant, Raj Technologies & Management
Ernakulam, India

Free Member, Joined :01/22/2005
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