Top 9 Nutritious Seeds To Lose Weight

By: Tradeindia

Chia Seeds

High in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and protein, aiding weight loss by promoting fullness.

Rich in fiber and lignans, flaxseeds support digestion and hormone balance for weight management.


Hemp Seeds

Packed with protein, omega-3s, and minerals, hemp seeds boost metabolism and reduce cravings.

Sunflower Seeds

High in vitamin E and fiber, sunflower seeds provide sustained energy and control hunger.

Pumpkin Seeds

Rich in magnesium and zinc, pumpkin seeds support metabolism and immune health during weight loss.

Sesame Seeds

Loaded with nutrients, sesame seeds aid in hormone balance, promoting a healthy weight.


Although technically a pseudocereal, quinoa is rich in protein and fiber, offering a filling, nutritious option for weight loss.

Cumin Seeds

Known to enhance digestion and metabolism, cumin seeds can aid in weight loss when incorporated into a balanced diet.

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