Cool and Hydrating Summer Drink Recipes Ideas

By: Tradeindia

Watermelon Mint Cooler

Blend frozen bananas until smooth for a creamy, dairy-free ice cream. Add a splash of vanilla or a handful of berries for extra flavor.

Combine a banana with yogurt, milk (or a non-dairy alternative), and ice. Add some honey and a handful of spinach for a nutritious boost.

Banana Smoothie

Cucumber Limeade

Combine freshly squeezed lime juice with cucumber slices, a hint of honey or agave syrup, and sparkling water for a crisp and revitalizing beverage.

Iced Hibiscus Tea

Brew hibiscus tea bags in cold water overnight, then sweeten with honey or sugar and serve over ice for a tangy and refreshing summer drink.

Coconut Water Mojito

Mix coconut water with fresh lime juice, mint leaves, and a splash of rum (optional) for a tropical twist on the classic mojito.

Pineapple Ginger Refresher

Blend fresh pineapple chunks with grated ginger, a squeeze of lemon juice, and coconut water for a zesty and hydrating summer drink.

Mango Lassi

Blend ripe mangoes with yogurt, a splash of milk, a pinch of cardamom, and ice cubes for a creamy and exotic Indian-inspired drink.

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