7 Best Banana Recipes for Hot Summer Day

By: Tradeindia

Banana Ice Cream

Blend frozen bananas until smooth for a creamy, dairy-free ice cream. Add a splash of vanilla or a handful of berries for extra flavor.

Combine a banana with yogurt, milk (or a non-dairy alternative), and ice. Add some honey and a handful of spinach for a nutritious boost.

Banana Smoothie

Frozen Banana Pops

Dip peeled bananas in melted dark chocolate, roll in chopped nuts or sprinkles, and freeze for a cool, fun treat.

Banana Pudding

Layer sliced bananas with vanilla pudding and crushed graham crackers for a classic, cool dessert.

Banana Split

Slice a banana lengthwise and top with scoops of your favorite ice cream, whipped cream, nuts, and cherries for a sundae-style treat.

Banana Yogurt Parfait

Layer Greek yogurt with sliced bananas, granola, and a drizzle of honey for a refreshing and filling snack.

Banana Pancakes

Mash a banana and mix with eggs and a bit of baking powder for simple, flourless pancakes.

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