8 Best Tips To Repair Damaged Hair 

By: Tradeindia

Trim Regularly

Frequent trims prevent split ends from traveling up the hair shaft.

Use Moisturizing

Hydrate with conditioners and masks rich in oils like argan or coconut.

Excessive heat weakens hair. Air dry when possible and use lower heat settings.

Limit Heat Styling

Gentle Washing

Avoid harsh shampoos and opt for sulfate-free formulas to prevent further damage.

Protective Styles

Minimize exposure to environmental stressors by styling hair in protective updos or braids.

Avoid Overprocessing

Limit chemical treatments like coloring or perming to prevent further damage.

Nutrient-Rich Diet

Support hair health with a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

Silk Pillowcase

Reduce friction and breakage by sleeping on a silk pillowcase to maintain hair's integrity.

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