8 Gorgeous Houseplants To Help Refresh Your Home

By: Tradeindia

Monstera Deliciosa

Known for its large, glossy leaves with distinctive holes, this tropical plant adds a bold, jungle-like vibe to any room.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

With its large, violin-shaped leaves, the fiddle leaf fig is a popular choice for adding a touch of elegance and drama to your interior decor.

Snake Plant

This hardy plant has tall, upright leaves with striking variegation. It's low-maintenance and great for improving indoor air quality.

Peace Lily

Known for its beautiful white flowers and glossy green leaves, the peace lily is also excellent at purifying the air.


Pothos is a versatile, trailing plant with heart-shaped leaves. It's easy to care for and can thrive in various light conditions.

ZZ Plant

With its waxy, deep green leaves, the ZZ plant is both stylish and extremely low-maintenance, tolerating low light and infrequent watering.

Spider Plant

This plant has arching green and white striped leaves and produces small "spiderettes" that can be propagated easily. It's also effective at cleaning the air.

Rubber Plant

The rubber plant has large, shiny leaves that can add a touch of sophistication to any space. It can grow quite large if given enough light and space.

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