8 Flowers For A Beautiful Summer Garden

By: Tradeindia


These iconic flowers come in various sizes and colors, adding a cheerful touch to any garden.


With their bright hues and long-lasting blooms, zinnias are excellent for adding pops of color to borders and containers.


Known for their pest-repellent properties and vibrant colors, marigolds are easy to grow and make lovely border plants.


Salvia varieties such as 'Victoria Blue' or 'Hot Lips' produce striking spikes of flowers that attract pollinators and add vertical interest.


Also known as black-eyed Susans, these bold, yellow flowers bring a sunny disposition to beds and borders.

Sweet Peas

Sweet peas offer delicate blooms in a range of pastel shades, ideal for climbing structures or trellises.


With their diverse forms and vibrant colors, dahlias are prized for their showy blooms that last throughout the summer.


Also known as blanket flowers, gaillardias produce daisy-like blooms in fiery shades, attracting butterflies and bees.

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