7 Ways to Enhance Your Winter Look

By: Tradeindia

Layering with Texture

It's about mixing textures and colors to create a cohesive and interesting look. Start with a neutral base, mix textures, add pops of color, layer accessories, pay attention to lighting, and experiment.

Statement Accessorie

It's about mixing textures and colors to create a cohesive and interesting look. Start with a neutral base, mix textures, add pops of color, layer accessories, pay attention to lighting, and experiment.

Footwear Focu

Footwears are on the docket of garments given to the feet, which typically provide the function of protection against environmental adversities, such as those from rough ground-wear and tear.

Play with Color

Yellow is vibrant and energetic. Red represents love or excitement. Blue represents serenity and sorrow. Purple symbolizes richness, mystery, and wisdom. And Orange symbolizes enthusiasm and attraction.

Tailored Outerwear

A tailored jacket is that which has been designed to fit the perfect body shape along with style preferences of a person. Nowadays, there are various types of tailored jackets available in the market.

Winter Print

Winter clothes are apparel items that protect one from the extremely cold conditions of winter. Typically, they have good water resistance and consist of layers to protect in case of low temperatures.

Layered Jewelry

Long-sleeved top. You may think that wearing long-sleeved clothing would already be enough to make bracelets or even watches less necessary since you'd hardly see them. For balance, layer your chains and different necklaces over your shirt.