7 Fitness Tips for Every Girl to Stay Healthy and Active

By: Tradeindia

Start with a Warm-Up

A warm-up routine of 5-10 minutes such as brisk walking, jogging on the spot, or light flexible movements gets the muscles ready for action.

Strength Training is important, When things like squats, lunges, push-ups and planks are done they are effective in improving one’s lean muscles and also increasing the metabolism.

Strength Training

Stay Consistent

Rather than going hard one week and burning out the following, you should look to add small and easy fitness practices into your daily routine

Mix It Up

Practice cardio routines today, strength workouts yesterday and stretch tomorrow and let there be variety in the system.

Prioritize Recovery

Rehabilitation holds equal significance as the workout per se. Muscles should be given time to heal and repair after all, sleep adequately, and drink lots of water.

Fuel Your Body Right

Your nutrition plays a significant part as far as energizing your body and keeping it healthy is concerned. Adopt a generally healthy meal richest in fruits, vegetables, whole foods.

Set Realistic Goals

Establishing proper fitness objectives aids in maintaining one’s motivation and focus. Such targets may be completing 10,000 steps in a day.

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