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TOPIC : CITI calls for a Pan Asian Textile Industry convergence
Posted on 10 March 2008 at 12:10:00

In an attempt to evolve an Asian convergence of Textile and Clothing Industry, Confederation of Indian Textile Industry (CITI) is organizing the 3rd edition of Asian Textile Conference (Atexcon) along with the Golden jubilee celebrations of CITI on March, 18-19, 2008 in New Delhi. In a statement here Mr P D Patodia, Chairman, CITI said that the complementarity existing among the neighboring countries have not been explored adequately and a synergic relation of all the textile producing countries from the region would help them to increase their share in the global textile market.

Mr. Patodia said that the Golden Jubilee of CITI and 3rd Asian Textile Conference are being organized simultaneously at an opportune time when the Indian T&C industry look for ways to improve the competitiveness in the wake of appreciating domestic currency and increasing input costs. He said that representatives from Textile and Clothing Industry from countries like China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Pakistan would deliberate on various aspects of textile industry in their respective countries in the two day conference. Chairman, CITI invited T&C industry to participate in the forthcoming Golden Jubilee celebrations of CITI and the 3rd Asian Textile Conference (Atexcon).

He informed that Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh has been invited to Inaugurate Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Confederation of Indian Textile Industry.

The theme of the 3rd Atexcon will be ‘Textile Growth Through Consolidation’. The Conference will focus on the innovations in the textile technology and productive efficiency, raw material scenario, developments in Clothing and Fabrics in countries like India, Bangladesh and Vietnam, consolidation of Indian Fabric Industry, new developments in processing in China and Thailand and emerging trends in global textile business.

Ms. Akash Menon

(Tradeindia Expert)

M/S Menon Exports and Designing Ltd.

MD, M/S Menon Exports and Designing Ltd.
New Delhi, India

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